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Introduction to Root Connect FRS

                                            Family is not an important thing, it’s everything                                                                   ~Michael J. Fox My love affair with genetics began in High School in Mrs. Miller’s freshman Biology Class. Mrs. Miller was known to be a stickler and many were known to fail her class regularly.  I found her fascinating and my desire for perfection resulted in passing her class with flying colors and an A! It was there, in the third desk back that I learned the basics of DNA and and genetics, and thus my love-affair began. Fast-forward to a several years ago and that small love affair multiplied into fascination as a family member with an unknown father of sixty years took a DNA test, at my insistence, so that I could begin the search for his paternal family.  Once his results were back, I was in for a shock as I realized just how intricate and delicate the art of working with Genetics is. There was so much to learn and I

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